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Our work is not our own, but done in service of him who called us. if god isn't the center of our mission, then it is all in vain.


At Reach Aviation, we commit ourselves to always being honest and of moral, upright character, following the biblical precedent set by Jesus Christ.


We will boldly present the whole gospel in its purest form. not withholding any teaching or standard, but always proceeding with love as the intention of our mission and our hearts.


Everyone at Reach Aviation is expected to embody excellence. Our best effort is not only required of us in scripture, but it also serves as a model of Christ to the world as our living testimony.


We recognize we are here to serve, and our purpose is bigger than any one person. We prioritize community partnerships to accomplish the vision.


Our focus will be to remain missionally-minded above being money-driven. We are not our provider, and we will not sacrifice our values for funding.


Everyone is made in the image of God. Therefore, we highly value our staff as well as the people we serve.


We strive not to be a solution but to empower the indigenous population. It’s not our desire to rob the indigenous people of their dignity by providing extended periods of paternalism or subsidy. Our goal is to provide access to the freedom of the gospel without destabilizing indigenous cultures and customs. We will preserve culture and customs to the extent that is biblically appropriate.

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